10 Best Health Tips During Pregnancy

You will have a wonderful feeling during pregnancy if you can take care of yourself with the best as possible. To ensure your health is always at its best during pregnancy, you can follow these tips:

1. Eat five or six balanced meals every day.

2. Take a prenatal vitamin every day as directed by your doctor or midwife.

3. Drink lots of water - at least eight to 10 glasses a day - Weizmann caffeine and artificial coloring.

4. Do not drink alcohol.

5. Do not smoke or allow yourself to be exposed to cigarette smoke.

6. Exercise - it is important for your health and can also help reduce stress. Take a pregnancy exercise class or walk at least fifteen to twenty minutes per day at a moderate pace. Walking in the cool, shady area or in the building to prevent overheating.

7. Get enough sleep - at least eight hours each night. If you are having trouble sleeping, try sleeping in bed during the day and try to see your doctor for advice.

8. Wear comfortable clothing, avoid wearing tight shoes and try to rest your legs several times a day to prevent fatigue and swelling of the feet, legs, and ankles.

9. Always wear safety belts when in a vehicle. Pregnant women should sit as far as possible from the airbag.

10. Do not take any medication over the counter or herbal remedies without consulting your doctor or medical officer.

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